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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Car and Driver Presents : Grand Tour Racing '98 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-11-22 10:17:27 Views : 29177 Hidden Egypt Level On Egypt level 1, drive through the town at the beginning until you are out in the open desert. Immediately before the first tunnel is a piece of land with some buildings on the right side of the road. Drive to where the piece of land starts, and drive up the shortest side. This is the only way to get up there. Drive on it without steering back on the road. Drive for a few seconds until you reach the end of the piece of land. About at the end is an orange ball. Drive into it to load the secret level. Hidden Moscow level At the start of Moscow level 2, drive backwards until you get to a small jump. Continue past it, turn around, and drive off it. Jump off it at an angle to land over the barrier to the right of the jump. Look between the buildings to find an orange ball. Drive into it to load the secret level. Hidden Easter Island Level At the start of Easter Island level 2, drive on the course until you see a small jump that is the same color as the ground. Next to it is a red and white barrier. As you face it, on the right side you can drive around it. You will see a small triangle shaped piece of sand. At the end of it is an orange ball. Drive into it to load the secret level. Hidden Switzerland level On Switzerland level 1, drive until you reach a collection of houses and people. At a certain point in front of the houses, you can drive up around them. There are two that have a "Ski House" sign on them. Drive behind the farthest one up the hill. You should see an orange ball. Drive into it to load the secret level. Hidden Hong Kong Level Drive on the Hong Kong level 5 course until reaching a dirt track. Once on the track, you will come to a small low bridge that crosses a stream. Get off the road and quickly try to drive under the bridge. Drive into the orange ball under the bridge in the stream to load the secret level. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Car and Driver Presents : Grand Tour Racing '98 cheat codes.
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